A New Decade, A New Opportunity

Nate Disarro
3 min readDec 31, 2019

Everyone’s talking about it, it’s all the rage right now. In case you haven’t heard, a new decade is upon us.

I, for one, am excited about it. For a few reasons… but first and foremost, because we can finally go back to calling it something recognizable. We are entering “the twenties”. I realize it’s not all that exciting, but hey, it’s something. And sometimes we just need to celebrate the small things. Does anyone even know what to call the previous decade? The “teens” just doesn’t sound right.

But there are plenty of other things to look forward to. Here are my top 5.

1. The start of something new

We love having an excuse to put off what we know needs to be done until we run out of excuses to get started. Well, here we are folks. If you said last year that you would start this year, we are there. If you said last month that it would be next month, yep, we are there. And if you’re that person that, in 2010, said you need 10 more years before you start your next thing.. right again. It’s that time. A new decade means no more excuses. You have put it off long enough, now let’s get started. On something. ANYTHING!

2. Round numbers

Is it just me, or do round numbers name you happy? This is the best number for a year in my lifetime since the year 2000. There is something about 2020 that makes me happy, and therefore, makes me want to remember it as the year I did _________. I’ll be honest, 2019 was a big year for me. I started a new business (Content Titan), traveled quite a bit, wore myself out and met some really great people. But I hope I forget about 2019 and make 2020 the year that really stands out in my mind years later. Will you join me? Maybe we can get together in 2030 and talk about all the things that happened in 2020.

3. Carrying Momentum

As I just mentioned, I started a new business in 2019 and I am going into 2020 with a lot of momentum that I do not want to lose. What a better time to run full steam ahead into a new decade and build on the foundation that has been laid over the past decade. I don’t care if you are 10 or 90, you have been building something for the last 10 years, so use this new beginning to blast forward with everything you have. That’s my plan and I don’t want to do it alone.

4. If not now, then when?

December of 2019 has been tough. I usually try to eat pretty healthy, exercise when I can, and try to spend a little time each month strategizing and executing on things outside of the normal day to day. That has been really tough due to schedule conflicts and holiday downtime (and let’s be honest, pure laziness). But its been a good reminder that if I’m not going to get on track at the beginning of this new decade, then how long until I get re-motivated to push forward with the things I know will make me happier and healthier??

5. Redemption

This one might sound far-fetched, but hang with me. I had multiple grandparents that were born in the 1920’s, and if you know anything about history, you should know that it was a decade that most Americans didn’t enjoy. Sure, it might be known as the roaring 20’s, but it was also the decade that saw the biggest economic downturn to date, leaving millions of people in a terrible situation. So, let’s redeem “the 1920’s” and make this new version one that people talk about with positivity 100 years from now. But it has to start NOW. Whatever it is that motivates you, turn it up to 100 and let’s do this!

It starts with having a simple goal. Doesn’t matter what that goal is, but make it one that you know you can achieve quickly. Use that achievement as momentum to keep upping the ante and taking this new decade by storm. But do me, and yourself, a favor. Make a plan right now so you don’t get caught in the dust of everyone else that is already planning to dominate the 20’s.



Nate Disarro

Founder | CEO — Content Titan | Content Director | Producer | Brand Developer | Startup minded | Board Member | Advisor | Mentor